Monday, July 11, 2011

How to cure ear mites from your cat's ears

cat ear
Ear mites cause significant discomfort to your cat. Ear mites can live on any part of the body even if they usually live in the ears of your cat. They are the main cause of otitis externa in cats. Ear mites are frequently seen in kittens however they may even affect cats of any age. They feed on epidermal debris as well as ear wax. They burrow into the ear of your cat causing irritation. There are different kinds of mites that can infects your cats however the most commonly found ear mite is Otodectes Cynotis. Cat care is important to cure ear mites.

Not all of the cats can show the signs of ear mites however frequently they will scratch at their ears. Other signs of ear mites in cat are bleeding from the ear, scratch marks and reddish discharge in the ear. Now let us have a look at how to treat cat's ears to give your cat relief from ear mites.

  • Clean the back stuff from your cat’s ear with a mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water. This is important as it cleans all the accumulated dirt and keeps the ear clean.
  • Apply ear mite medication to the ear of your cat for minimum 2 days and wait for a week to get the results. If you do not get the results then you should  clean the ear again and apply that medicine. After applying ear mite medication, you need to massage the base of the ear. You should also follow the instructions that are given on the ear mite medicine packaging. 
  • You can squirt the ear mite treatment solution in to the cat’s ear and let it  bubble up. It will loosen the black stuff. You have to repeat it for a few times and afterwards clean it with warm water.
  • You can instill a few drops of mineral oil into the ear of your cat to treat the ear mites.
Following the above given steps for removing ear mites has proven to be effective in the treatment of cat’s ear mites. Sometimes, cats can scratch their ear so much that it gets raw. In such case, you need to contact the veterinarian as early as possible. Open injury can gets infected and creates more complications.

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